Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tron 2 "Event"

Well, Disney really screwed the pooch on this one; with an impressive Comic-Con spectacle and a a series of incredibly interesting viral marketing pieces behind their upcoming Tron sequel, they only managed to disappoint with today's Tron 2 event. After the commute over to the other side of the Hudson, I, and the rest of the audience members were greeted at the Lincoln Center AMC Imax with a "Flynn Lives" shirt and a pair 3D glasses. Shortly after being seated the theater darkened and the screen was filled with the familiar green hue of the pre-coming attraction banner. The "Tron 2" trailer was impressive and filled with some awe-inspiring images; it also revealed a little more of what we can expect from the story. Flynn's son is looking for his dad and ends up in the game after being transported there when exploring Fynn's old arcade. The trailer showed off some action, left a little suspense, and showcased some of the ambient score we can expect from Daft Punk. The Tron world looks phenominal and the trailer as a whole was a pleasant experience and left me wanting more; this movie certainly looks like it will be cool. That however is where the fun ended and the frustration began. After the 90 second trailer rolled the lights came on and we were kindly shown the exits. The audience was vocally displeased with auidible grievances such as, "that's it?" and "play it again!" Whereas "Avatar Day" gave the theater-goers something to write home about and furthered the ample amount of buzz surrounding the film, this will likely get chocked up to a poor example of marketing. A t-shirt and trailer (which will likely be attached to "Alice in Wonderland" next week mind you) proved to be no prize for attending the event. I mean, c'mon Disney! There had to be something else you could have thrown the people who turned out and obviously care about the film. I'm faily certain the film will be very good, but in an industry where good movies fail due to poor marketing decisions, this isn't the kind of ill-concieved mistake Disney should be making and frankly, I expect better from them.

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